miercuri, ianuarie 13, 2010

Trends: Ce se va intampla anul acesta in social media

Am urmarit in perioada asta de inceput de an mai multe posturi si articole despre tendintele in social media pentru 2010. Multe din ideile intalnite sunt SF pentru piata noastra, insa altele chiar te fac sa te intrebi: Oare asa va fi si la noi?

Ce am facut? Am ales 10 din tendintele gasite (care ar avea ceva sanse sa prinda viata si local) si le-am inclus in sondajul de mai jos. Chiar sunt curios sa vad ce credeti voi ca va merge.

Ce tendinte credeti ca vor functiona in Romania anul acesta?
Big agencies will keep snapping up consultants with social media experience.
Blog and other social media advertising will become the hot ad medium of the year
Ad agencies will take the lead in social media.
Companies will finally realize that using social media effectively is neither free nor cheap.
Social media will get real budgets
Social media will be integrated to overall marketing activities
Brands start to use listening platforms to monitor the conversations
PR people are going to be forced to become versed in the practice as well, or start integrating it into the team structure – or lose more business.
Massive (social media) education on the client side
Social media in 2010 will cease being the shiny new object and instead, become part of the everyday lexicon of business.
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Sursele pentru aceste tendinte au fost ZDNET, Unique Frequency, What's Next Blog si DreamGrow Digital.

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