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The photograph attached was taken by the crew on board the Columbia during its last mission, on a cloudless day. The picture is of Europe and Africa when the sun is setting. Half of the picture is in night. The bright dots you see are the cities lights. The top part of Africa is the Sahara Desert. Note that the lights are already on in Holland, Paris, and Barcelona, and that's it's still daylight in Dublin, London, Lisbon, and Madrid. The sun is still shining on the Strait of Gibraltar. The Mediterranean Sea is already in darkness.
In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you can see the Azores Islands; below them to the right are the Madeira Islands; a bit below are the Canary Islands; and further South, close to the farthest western point of Africa, are the Cape Verde islands. Note that the Sahara is huge and can be seen clearly both during Daytime and night time. To the left, on top, is Greenland, totally frozen.
Post Secret
Nu am inca multe blog-uri preferate, insa Post Secret este unul dintre cele care ma fac sa spun: Gosh, I wish I've done that! Blog-urile de succes se bazeaza in primul rand pe idee, apoi pe un continut consistent si pe talentul blogger-ului. Nu in ultimul rand conteaza ritmul actualizarilor. Post Secret se bazeaza in principal pe idee. Frank Warren a avut intr-o zi ideea de a lansa un blog care sa impartaseasca secretele altora. Frank lansa urmatoarea invitatie: "You are invited to anonymously contribute a secret to a group art project. Your secret can be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, confession or childhood humiliation. Be brief. Be legible. Be creative."
Frank a facut insa mai mult decat sa lanseze o simpla invitatie. A printat o serie de vederi simple pe care le-a distribuit in locuri publice ii invita pe cititorii de blog-uri sa ii trimita o simpla vedere pe care sa scrie "la obiect" secretele lor. Se intampla in noiembrie 2004. In primele 2 saptamani, Frank a primit doar doua mesaje. Intr-o luna insa stransese deja 150. Astazi site-ul sau include in jur de 3.000 de vederi, iar in decembrie colectia sa va aprea publicata intr-un volum.